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Kindergarten to Grade 5 resources
We want to give younger students the opportunity to get involved before the step into Generation E when they reach grade 6. Below are a few activities to spark an interest in what’s to come.
Grade 6 resources
Welcome to Generation E 101. During part one of this program, students will learn the basics of being more efficient. They will be taken through a variety of learning sheets, games, and group activities to explain what energy is and why it’s important to conserve it.
Grade 9 resources
Congratulations on being accepted into Generation E 102! In part two of this program, students will partake in group activities, and self-led assignments to help them better understand their energy use and how to create more energy-efficient spaces.
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Kindergarten to Grade 5 resources
Grade 6 resources
Grade 9 resources
My Pledge to the Planet
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Kindergarten to grade 5 resources
Even at a young age, students can start learning about the importance of saving energy and protecting the environment. We want to give younger students the opportunity to get involved in this movement because it’s their future, too. Below are a few activities to introduce your students to the concept of energy efficiency.
Grade 6 resources
Through the resources designed for Grade 6, students will learn the basics of being more energy efficient. We have a variety of learning sheets, games, and group activities to explain what energy is and why it’s important to conserve it. While we recommend sharing all these resources with your students, feel free to pick and choose the ones that fit best with your lesson plan. We suggest presenting the activities to your class in the following order: Start by completing the Great Wall of Energy activity with your students to discover what questions they have about energy efficiency. Go through the “All About Energy” presentation and activity to introduce your students to the concepts of energy and energy efficiency Review the classroom checklist presentation and print the checklist to complete with your students every day. Complete the Lights Out! activity to encourage your students to reflect on how they use or save energy in their daily activities. Finish with a reflection with your students on what they’ve learned. Have them complete a pledge to the planet by committing to carry out an energy efficiency initiative of their choice. If you have questions throughout this process, feel free to contact us…
Grade 9 resources
Our resources and activities for Grade 9 students involve more independent self-led assignments. They’ll help students see how they can implement energy-saving behavioural changes as well as what their families and community can do to improve their energy efficiency. These activities will help them better understand their energy use and how to create more energy-efficient spaces. While we recommend sharing all these resources with your students, feel free to pick and choose the ones that fit best with your lesson plan. We suggest presenting the activities to your class in the following order: Start with the “All About Energy” presentation and activity to introduce your students to the concepts of energy and energy efficiency. Do the student-led home energy review. To participate in this activity, email us at and we’ll send you a free kit with items your students will need to complete the activity. We’ll also provide you with the link and password to the online form your students will need to do their home energy review. Go through the other activities (Kilowatts to Dollars and Local Business Interview) as you see fit. Finish with a reflection with your students on what they’ve learned. Ask them to consider actions…
How to Use a Water Flow Rate Bag
November 25, 2022
How to bring energy efficiency education into the classroom
October 4, 2022
Introducing Generation E
September 20, 2022
September 13, 2022
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