What is Generation E?2022-06-28T15:49:46-05:00

Generation E is a movement led by Efficiency Manitoba to help empower and inspire Manitoba youth to engage in energy efficiency. We provide teachers with engaging resources to help bring concepts related to saving energy and the environment into the classroom. Our goal is to ensure young people are aware of how using energy has financial and environmental impacts, which will help them make energy-efficient decisions throughout their adult life.

What does the “E” in Generation E stand for?2022-06-28T15:49:41-05:00

It stands for a few things: energy, efficiency, environment, and education. These four words encapsulate the foundation upon which this initiative is built.

Who is this website intended for?2022-06-28T15:48:44-05:00

This website is intended for K-12 teachers and educators who are interested in teaching their students about energy efficiency.

What types of resources are available for teachers?2022-06-28T15:48:49-05:00

We designed resources that include lesson plans and activities for teachers to guide them in educating their class on energy efficiency. We currently have resources available for Grade 6 and 9 students, as well as an activity book for younger elementary students.

Do I have to use all the provided resources, or can I pick and choose?2022-06-28T15:48:54-05:00

You can pick and choose! We encourage you to choose whichever lessons, resources, and activities make the most sense for your classroom.

How do these resources fit into the Manitoba curriculum?2022-06-28T15:48:58-05:00

We made a concerted effort to align our resources and age groups with the current Manitoba science curriculum. We chose to focus on Grade 6 and 9 students, since these grades include energy and electricity units. Where relevant, we’ve included connections to the curriculum in the lesson plans.

What is the student-led home energy review?2022-07-21T10:22:52-05:00

The student-led home energy review is an activity designed to lead students through their home and conduct a 30- to 45-minute home audit. Through an online form, they’ll respond to questions that ask them to evaluate different energy-using products and technologies in their home. When they complete the review, their parents will receive a customized report that identifies Efficiency Manitoba programs and rebates that will help them improve the efficiency of their home. Students will also receive an email with tips on how to make simple energy-saving changes in their day-to-day lives.

How can I get my classroom involved with the student-led home energy review?2022-07-21T10:41:07-05:00

Send us an email at hello@generation-e.ca! We’ll supply your classroom with some items to help them conduct the student-led home energy review (flow bags and shower timers), as well as some fun promo items to spread the word.

Who can I contact if I have questions or feedback about any of the information on this website?2022-06-28T15:49:13-05:00

The Generation E team is here to support you. You can contact us through the contact page here or email hello@generation-e.ca.

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